9 However, real clinical and research settings differ in their use of these 2 tools.
8 Because it can be used free of charge and its psychometric properties are superior to those of the MMSE in various aspects, MoCA use is increasing.Ĭlinical practice guidelines for dementia include both the MMSE and the MoCA as dementia screening tools. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is another screening tool that can discriminate normal cognitive function, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and early-stage dementia. 5, 6 However, under copyright restrictions, the MMSE-1 can no longer be used, and the MMSE-2 must be purchased, potentially limiting its routine use in clinical and research settings. The original 30-point MMSE (MMSE-1) structure and scoring are equivalent to the standard version of the MMSE-2 to enable upgrading from the MMSE-1 to the MMSE-2 in longitudinal data collection. 3, 4 In 2010, a revised version, the MMSE-second edition (MMSE-2), was introduced. 1, 2 To date, the MMSE has been used as a standardized cognitive screening tool, and its score or score changes are important in clinical practice. It has been translated and validated in many countries and languages. However, it is necessary that the test be administered by a professional, and accompanied by a primary means of diagnosis.The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most widely used instrument for screening cognitive dysfunction. The MoCA has been tested for reliability, and researchers have concluded that the test is a useful and accurate means of detecting mild dementia. Any score of 25 or less is considered to be an indication of some form of cognitive impairment, which can predict or identify the onset of dementia in patients. The total possible score is 30, with any score higher than 25 considered normal. (5 points) “Orientation" tests a patient's understanding of his current place and the current time.(5 points) “Delayed Recall" forces the recall of the terms read in “Memory," approximately five minutes later.A patient is awarded one point for each commonality he/she can identify. (3 points) The “Abstraction" phase revolves around three pairs of words.(1 point) “Verbal Fluency" tests a patient's vocabulary if 11 or more specific words are spoken (such as words starting with a certain letter), the patient is scored one point.(2 points) “Sentence Repetition" involves two spoken sentences that are repeated: one point is scored for each successful repetition.

Three smaller sections involve repeating digits, acknowledging spoken letters, and counting backward from 100 by sevens.